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After the sorrowful passing away of the Prophet of God the absence of the companions in the funeral was another fact that caused unhappiness to the Imam. Then the forcible insistence for pledging allegiance! The crashing of the burning door on the side of Fatima by a person well known for his ferocity as a result of which the unborn fetus was aborted. Then the deprivation of Amir'ul-Mu'minin from the right of caliphate. Rejection of the Quran he had compiled etc. They all were such terrible events that if they had befallen anyone else he would have either been fed up with his life and committed suicide or fought with the enemies. If not, then he would have started complaining about Allah Almighty. However, Amir'ul-Mu'minin (a.s) did not do any of these.  



 Shaykh Tabarsi in Ihtijaj, in the footnotes of the debate between the Imam
Hasan (a.s.) and Muawiyah and their companions, has narrated that Imam Hasan (a.s.) said to Marwan Ibne Hakam: Allah has cursed you, your father, your dear ones and your progeny and that curse caused you to commit polytheism, sins and transgression. As Allah says: =and the cursed tree in the Quran‘. O Marwan you and your Progeny are the cursed tree, whom Quran has cursed and we are the people of the Quran and we know the apparent and hidden meanings of the Quran. We are from that tree praised by Allah in these words: =Whose root is firm and who branches are in heaven‘ It means the knowledge of the Quran would be expounded to the people of the world and our enemies are from the cursed tree: They desire to
put out the light of Allah with their mouths, and Allah will not consent save to
perfect His light, though the unbelievers are averse. Surah Taubah 9:32 If the hypocrites had understood the meaning of this verse, that I have mentioned, they would surely have removed it from the Quran as they have removed many verses which were clearly in our praise and in denouncement of our enemies.

Book : Hayatul Quloob, Volume 3, English translation by Syed Athar Hussain

Shaykh Tusi (r.a.) has, in Majalis, reliably quoted Ibrahim Abdus Samad that
he said: I have heard Imam Sadiq (a.s.) reciting this verse in this way:
“Surely Allah chose Adam and Nuh and the descendants of Ibrahim (Aale
Ibrahim) and the descendants of Imran (Aale Imran) above the nations.”
But Aale Muhammad (a.s.) has been removed from Quran.

Hayat ul Quloob , Volume 3 , English translation by Syed Athar Hussain

Saffar has, in Basairud Darajat and Ayyashi in Tafsir narrated the tradition of
two weighty things with a number of chains from the Ahlul Bayt (a.s.). It is
narrated in Basair from Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) that the Almighty Allah hasmade three things sacred in the world: Quran, my Progeny and Holy Ka‘ba. But people made alterations in the Quran and changed it. Similarly, people ruined Ka‘ba and likewise killed my Progeny. All these three were trusts of Allah and people sabotaged all of them.
Hayat ul Quloob , Volume 3 , English translation by Syed Athar Hussain

The book , Hayat ul Quloob, Volume 3, is available at the shia site



Grand Shia Scholar defending Surah Wilayah

For sometime, it has been mentioned in some sites that some shia scholars believed in two additional Surahs also, Surah wilaya and Nurain. Shia scholar Baqir Lahiji was one of them.

Muhammad Baqir al-Lahiji (second half of the seventeenth century) in his book Tadhkirat al-a'imma,  cited two entire Surahs allegedly referring to `Ali: the Surah of the Two Lights (Surah Nurain) and the Surah Wilayah; both, according to him, had been deleted from the Qur'an.

Muhammad Baqir al-Lahiji, Tadhkirat al-a'imma (Tehran, 1260/1844)

A manuscript of Surah Wilayah

In 1842, these two surahs from Dabistan-i Madhahib were for the first time fully translated into a European language by the French orientalist Garcin de Tassy. Only a year after Mirza Alexandre Kazem-Beg, wrote a commentary on this translation.

G. de Tassy, "Chapitre inconnu du Coran", Journal Asiatique, 1842, Volume XIII, pp. 431-439.

M. Kazembeg, "Observations sur Chapitre inconnu du Coran", Journal Asiatique, 1843, Volume XIV, pp. 371-429

Translation of this false surah is as follows:

1) O believers, believe in the Prophet and the guardian (wali), whom We sent to guide you to the straight path. 2) A Prophet and a Guardian, one from the other, and I am the Knower, the Wise. 3) Verily those who fulfil their covenant to Allah will have gardens of pleasure. 4) And for those who deny our signs when they are read to them, 5) Verily they will have a terrible place in Hell when they are called for on the Day of Judgement, 'Where are the wrong-doers who denied the messengers?' 6) He only created them in truth and Allah will surely make them victorious until a time in the near future. 7) Glorify the praises of your Lord and 'Ali is among the witnesses.


 Shia Scholar Ali al-Milani's belief in the Tahreef of Quran

ـ هل أعاد عثمان ترتيب بعض الآيات حسب ما تقتضيه السياسة في الوقت ، فمثلاً هل له دور في وضع آية التطهير وسط آيات خاصة بنساء النبي في سورة الأحزاب ؟

جواب سماحة السيد علي الميلاني :

ـ نعم ، نحن نعتقد أن مكان آية التطهير وكذا الآية : ( اليوم اكملت لكم دينكم ) ونحوهما هو من فعل هؤلاء القوم ، ففي آية التطهير ـ مثلاً ـ حديث صحيح مسلم وغيره صريحٌ في أنها نزلت في قضيةٍ خاصّةٍ معيّنة ولا علاقة لها بنساء النبي والآيات الواردة فيهنّ ، وأن أم سلمة أم المؤمنين وعائشة أيضاًمن أزواجه كانتا تريان عدم ارتباط آية التطهير بالأزواج .

Question: Did Uthman reorder some of the verses to be in line with the politics of that time, for example did he take part in placing the verse of Tatheer between the verses that are speaking about the wives of the Prophet in Surah Al-Ahzab?

Answer from "His Emminence" Sayyid Ali Milani:

Yes, we believe that the location of the verse of Tatheer, and the verse: ([On] This day I have perfected for you your religion), and others like it is from the action of those people. The verse of Tatheer – for example – we find a narration in Sahih Muslim and other which explicitly proclaims that it was revealed for a specific case, which the wives of the Prophet have nothing to do with or the verses revealed about them. The Mother of Believers Umm Salamah, and ‘Aisha as well from among his wives also viewed that the verse of Tatheer had nothing to do with his wives.


Ali al-Kurani about Tahreef in Quran

This is a Audio of Famous Lebanese Shiite scholar Ali al Kourani saying that " a few of our scholars believed that some verses were deleted, but the majority of Scholars believe that The location of some verses were switched or changed".


Shia Scholar confesses says Quran has been distorted, LIVE



Majlisi Again

The “Khateem al-Muhhaditheen” al-Majlissi says a similar thing in “Bihar al-Anwar”:
“It is possible that the purification verse was added (by the Companions) at this part (of the verse) claiming that it was referring to the wives, or they added in the verses addressing the prophet’s wives, to suit their religious needs…Even if we accept that there was no tampering (by the Companions) in the order (of the verses), we say there are many narrations which discuss the removal/canceling of Quranic verses. [Maybe there were verses before and after the verse of purification and they were removed]; if these verses were not removed before and after the verse (of purification), we would see the apparent link between them.”

(source: Bihar al-Anwar, pp.234-235,



Fatwa about the beliefs of few shia scholars about Tahreef in Quran

4 ) هل صحيح هو قول الشيخ المفيد وأبو الحسن العاملي والسيد نعمة الله الجزائري والمجلسي وغيرهم ـ مع ما لهم من الفضل والدرجة العلمية الرفيعة ـ بتحريف القرآن ؟

ج 4 : نحن لا ننكر وجود عددٍ قليل جداً من المحدّثين عندنا يقولون بنقصان القرآن الكريم ، وكونه قولاً مردوداً لا يقدح بالدرجة العلمية للقائلين به ، ولا يجوّز لنا الطعن فيهم .

Question 4: Is it true the saying of Shaykh Mufid, and Abul Hasan al-Amili, and Sayyid Ni'matullah al-Jazairi and Majlisi and others- in spite of their virtues and high position- that there was Tahreef in the Quran?

Answer 4: We do not deny the existence of a very few from among our Muhadditheen about the deletion of the Holy Quran, and this saying is refuted but it is not allowed for us to disassociate ourselves from them.


1 ـ هل كان أبي الحسن القمي ( صاحب تفسير القمي ) يقول بتحريف القرآن ؟ خصوصا وأنه قال في مقدمة تفسيره : ( وأما ما هو محرف .... ) . وهل صحيح أن الشيخ باقر المجلسي وأبو الحسن العاملي ونعمة الله الجزائري كانوا أيضاًيقولون بالتحريف ؟

Is it true that Abil Hasan al-Qumi, the writer of Tafseer al-Qumi talked about tahreef of the Quran? Specially when in the introduction he says: "And concerning that which is corrupted", and is it correct that Shaykh Baqir Majlisi and Abul Hassan al-Amili and Jazairi also said concerning Tahreef.


ـ قول بعض الأعلام المذكورين بنقصان القرآن المبين غير بعيد ، إلاّ أنّها آراء شخصيّة لا تمثل رأي الطائفة المحقّة .

The saying of some of the scholars mentioned about deletion in the Quran is not far-off, however it was a personal view not representing the true sectarian position [i.e. the Shia viewpoint]


Shaikh Nuri Al-Tibrisi

This is the scholar, who wrote a book, Faslul Khitab Fi Tahreef Kitab Rabbul Arbab by Nuri Al-Tabrasi, in which he mentioned more than 1000 traditions from shia books to prove that the belief of shia is that Quran has been distored. This is the same book, in which he says, there are verses in the Quran whose style reach silliness (page 187). And well, he is still a respectable scholar for the shias. Isn't it ridiculous?

Book Scan

See how a christian preacher uses this very book to prove that Quran is also corrupted.

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