Few excerpts from the books of Mulla Baqir Majlisi regarding the Sahaba

15/12/2013 10:04

Mulla Baqir Majlisi (d. 1109 A.H) was born in Isfahan, in the Safavid era. He is the author of a number of books in Arabic and Persian language. Since there was scarcity of Shia texts in Persian language after the Safavids forcefully converted the Persians to Shi'ism, Majlisi took the task and wrote many books in Persian language. He was appointed as the Sheikh ul Islam of Persia by the Safavid king, Sultan Husayn, in 1088 A.H.


Mulla Baqir Majlisi is the very person about whom Khomeini said in his book  'Kashaful Asrar'

کتاب هاي فارسي راکه مرحوم مجلسي براي مردم پارسي زبان نوشته، بخوانيد تا خود را مبتلا به همچورسوايي بي خردانه نکنيد

"Continue reading the Persian books written by Mulla Baqir Majlisi for the Persian speaking people so that you do not fall into the mischief of some kind of foolishness''

Kashaful Asrar, p.  121


Below we will quote this Rafidhi Mulla from his books. You already read that Khomeini actually encouraged his followers to read Mulla Majlisi's books so that "they may not fall into some kind of foolishness". So no doubt, Khomeini indirectly accepted that he also has these beliefs.


Majlisi says in his book, Haqqul Yaqin

واعتقاد ما در برائت آنست که بیزاري جویند از بتهاي چهارگانه یعنی أبو بکر و عمر و عثمان و معاویه و زنان چهارگانه یعنی عایشه و حفصه و هند و ام الحکم و از جمیع اشیاع و اتباع ایشان و آنکه ایشان بدترین خلق خدایند و آنکه تمام نمیشود اقرار بخدا و رسول و ائمه مگر به بیزاري از دشمنان ایشان


Our belief about tabarra is that we should loathe the four idols, i.e Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman and Muawiyah, and the four women i.e Aisha, Hafza, Hind and Umm Hakam, and their followers also, and that these are the worst creatures of God, and that the belief in God, and Messenger and Imams will not be completed till we loathe their these enemies.

Haqqul Yaqin , p. 519


He says:

در تقريب المعارف روايت كرده كه آزاد كرده حضرت علي بن الحسين عليه السلام از آن حضرت پرسيد كه مرا بر تو حق خدمتي هست مرا خبر ده از حال ابو بكر و عمر حضرت فرمود هر دو كافر بودند و هر كه ايشان را دوست دارد كافر است.


It has been narrated in Taqrib al Muarif from the freed slave of Ali bin Hussain (i.e Imam Zain ul Abideen) that he asked the Imam, I have the right over you, inform me about Abu Bakr and Umar. Imam said : Both of them are unbelievers, and whoever loves them is also unbeliever.


Haqqul Yaqin, p. 522


He says:

و ايضا روايت كرده است كه ابو حمزه ثمالي از آن حضرت از حال ابو بكر و عمر سوال كرد فرمود كه كافرند و هر كه ولايت ايشان را داشته باشد كافر است و در اين باب احاديث بسيار است و در كتب متفرق است و اكثر در بحار الانوار مذكور است

Similarly ... It has been narrated from Abu Hamzah that he asked the Imam about Abu Bakr and Umar, upon which he said : They are unbelievers, and whoever respects them is also unbeliever.

(Then Majlisi says) And regarding this, there are lots of ahadith, and many of them have been mentioned in Bihar al anwar.

Haqqul Yaqin, p. 522


In his book, Hayat ul Quloob, he writes:

إن العياشي روى بسند معتبر عن الصادق عليه السلام أن عائشة وحفصة لعنة الله عليهما وأبويهما قتلتا رسول الله بالسم دبرتاه

Ayyashi has narrated from Imam Jafar through a reliable sanadhat he said : May Allah's curse be upon Aisha and Hafzah and their fathers ... They killed the Messenger of Allah with poison.

Hayat ul Quloob Vol. 2, p. 700


Majlisi in Hayat ul Quloob narrates from Huzaifa that he said:

هركه معتقد باشد كه عثمان مظلوم كشته شد، در روز قيامت گناهش بيشتر است از جماعتى كه گوساله پرستيدند

Whoever believes that Uthman was killed innocently, his sins on the day of judgement will be more than those who worshipped the calf.


Hayat ul Quloob, Vol. 1, p. 20


Majlisi says in his book

پس آنچه ابوبکر مخالف آیه کریمه انجام داد مخالف آیه مذکور است و هر که مخالف حکم قرآن حکم کند، به نص قرآن کافر و فاسق و ظالم است

Whatever Abu Bakr did was against the verses of Quran, whoever acts against Quran is kafir, fasiq oppressor.


Hayat ul Quloob, Vol. 1, p. 157


چون كفار قريش به نزديك غار رسيدند ابو بكر اضطراب را از حد گذرانيد و خواست كه بيرون آيد و به ايشان ملحق شود چنانكه در باطن با ايشان بود


When the Kuffar of Quraish neared the cave , Abu Bakr's worries increased and wished to go out and join them (i.e the kuffar) outwardly as he was amongst them inwardly.


Haqqul Yaqin, p. 270-271


The person who is supposed to be the 'guider' for the Shias according to Khomeini, has extreme hatred towards the Companions of the Prophet (peace be upon him), and he doesn't feel shame in uttering the filthiest nonsense regarding them.

May Allah forgive us!

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