AhlelBayt Vs AhlelBayt?

The sunni stance is that there can be small differences between friends, companions of the Prophet (may Allah be pleased with all of them) were no exception to it, but the shias try to show a picture that there were huge differences between the companions of the Prophet (may Allah be pleased with all of them) , especially between Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) and the first three companions. Though logic disapproves it, how?


The present shias never name their children after Umar and Abu Bakar, the reason is very simple that they hate them, the thing is if a person hates someone , he doesn't name his children after him, but we know that Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) and the imams of shias named their children after Abu Bakar, Umar, Usman , Aisha and many other companions of the Prophet whom the shias hate and don't name their children after them. Even there is a fatwa in the shia website , al-islam.org that shias should not name their children after Aisha.


Abbas and Ali?








 Ali and Fatima?

 YaZahra.net says

Majlisi “Biharul anwar” 43/147
عن أبي ذر رحمة الله عليه قال : كنت أنا وجعفر بن أبي طالب مهاجرين إلى بلاد الحبشة ( 1 ) فاهديت لجعفر جارية قيمتها أربعة آلاف درهم ، فلما قدمنا المدينة أهداها لعلي عليه السلام تخدمه ، فجعلها علي في منزل فاطمة .
فدخلت فاطمة عليها السلام يوما فنظرت إلى رأس علي عليه السلام في حجر الجارية فقالت : يا أبا الحسن فعلتها ، فقال : لا والله يا بنت محمد ما فعلت شيئا فما الذي تريدين ؟ قالت تأذن لي في المصير إلى منزل أبي رسول الله صلى الله عليه واله فقال لها : قد أذنت لك .
فتجللت بجلالها ، وتبرقعت ببرقعها


Translation: Al-Qummi and Al-Majlisi narrated on the authority of Abu Thar: I migrated with Jafar ibn Abi Talib to Abyssynia. A slave girl worth 4,000 dirhams was given to Jafar as a gift. When we came to Medinah he gave it to Ali as a gift that she may serve him. Ali kept her in Fatima’s house. One day Fatima entered and saw that his head was in the girl’s lap. She said: “O Abu Al-Hasan! Have you done it!?” He said: “O daughter of Muhammad! I have done nothing, so what is it that you want?” She said: “Do you allow me to go to my father’s house?” He said: “I will allow you.” So she wore her Jilbab and went to the Prophet.

(source: Ibn Babaveh Al-Qummi’s “Elal Al-Sharae’”, p.163; it is also narrated in Bihar Al-Anwar, pp.43-44, Chapter on “How her life with Ali was”)





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