
15/12/2013 10:04

Few excerpts from the books of Mulla Baqir Majlisi regarding the Sahaba

Mulla Baqir Majlisi (d. 1109 A.H) was born in Isfahan, in the Safavid era. He is the author of a number of books in Arabic and Persian language. Since there was scarcity of Shia texts in Persian language after the Safavids forcefully converted the Persians to Shi'ism, Majlisi took the task and...
03/12/2013 02:13

Participation of Ahlelbayt in the Muslim army in the era of the Caliphs

In this article, we will shed some light on the participation of the members of ahlelbayt in the Muslim army, under the first three caliphs, and afterwards in the caliphate of Ameer Muawiya. Their participation in the Muslim army clearly shows that they considered the Muslim army to be the army...
02/12/2013 12:00

Response to: The Life Of The Prophet (saw) From The Wife of the Prophet (saw)

This is a response to the article by, written on the 3rd of February, 2012, entitled: The Life Of The Prophet (saw) From The Wife of the Prophet (saw), which can be found here & here. Introduction: Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) is the last...
02/12/2013 08:36

Response to a Shia Article on Ghadir Khumm

The following is a response to Umar-ibn-Khattab Blog’s article entitled: Umar congratulated Ali at Ghadir-e-Khum, which can be found here. The Shia blogger starts off his article with the following: As the Sunnis cannot deny the authenticity of the hadith of Ghadir, they try to downplay its...
27/12/2012 18:33

Ali's allegiance to the first three caliphs in Sunni and Shia books

  Ali rendered his allegiance to Abu Bakr, Umar and Uthman. He not only rendered his allegiance, but he also acted as their advisor, and deputy over Madinah in their absense. His sons were soldiers in the Caliphate's army and he advised the caliphs in their battles. His loyal companions...
25/12/2012 01:05

The Myth of the House burning of Fatima (ra) and her martyrdom

Shias claim that after the death of the Prophet (peace be upon him), the sahaba went to her home, burnt her home while Ali (ra) was staying inside the home, watching the incident closely, and jumped into the incident right after the burning door was fallen on his wife and his son Muhassin killed...
08/12/2012 04:50

Compassionate Amongst Themselves

This is a translation of excerpts from the book of Mawlana Nafi, Ruhama bainahum, in which he described the good relations that existed between the ahlelbayt and the sahaba.   Most of the times , the Shias start the story of marriage of Ali and Fatima from the middle. They cleverly...
18/09/2012 06:07

Condemnation of Mukhtar Thaqafi

  محمد بن الحسن و عثمان بن حامد، قالا حدثنا محمد بن يزداد الرازي، عن محمد بن الحسين بن أبي الخطاب، عن عبد الله المزخرف، عن حبيب الخثعمي، عن أبي عبد الله (عليه السلام) قال : كان المختار يكذب على علي بن الحسين (عليهما السلام)۔ Muhammad b. al-Hasan and `Uthman b. Hammad (thiqah) said:...

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